Never Charge An Hourly Rate

Imagine this: You're a master at what you do. You've put in the blood, sweat, and tears to hone your craft. Your expertise isn't just a result of the hours you've clocked in—it's the culmination of years of experience, learning from mistakes, and constantly evolving. Now, why should you limit your worth to a mere hourly rate?

Here's the deal: When you charge solely for your time, you're essentially putting a cap on your earning potential.

There are only so many hours in a day, and no matter how efficient you are, there's a limit to how much you can earn by trading time for money. It's like playing a game with rigged rules—you're always stuck in the same spot, never really moving forward.

But when you start charging for your expertise, everything changes. Suddenly, it's not about the hours you work—it's about the value you provide. Clients aren't paying for your time; they're investing in your knowledge, insights, and the solutions you bring to their problems. It's a game-changer, my friends.

Let me break it down for you. When you price based on expertise, you're no longer tied to the clock. Instead, you're focused on delivering results. And guess what? People are more than willing to pay a premium for results. They're not counting the minutes you spend—they're counting the impact you make.

Plus, charging for expertise gives you the freedom to scale your business. Instead of being stuck in a never-ending cycle of trading time for money, you can leverage your knowledge to create products, courses, and other offerings that reach a wider audience. You're no longer limited by the hours in a day; you're building something that has the potential to impact lives on a massive scale.

But here's the kicker: Charging for expertise isn't just about making more money—it's about valuing yourself and your skills. It's about recognizing that what you bring to the table is worth far more than just a dollar amount per hour. It's about stepping into your power and owning your worth.

Now, I know what you're thinking: But Gwen, how do I start charging for my expertise? It's simple, really. Start by shifting your mindset. Stop thinking in terms of hours worked and start focusing on the value you provide. What problems are you solving for your clients? How are you making their lives better? Once you start framing your offerings in terms of outcomes, rather than hours, you'll be amazed at how your perception—and your prices—shift.

Next, don't be afraid to communicate your value to your clients. Clearly articulate what sets you apart, why you're worth the investment, and the results they can expect from working with you. Confidence is key.

And finally, don't undervalue yourself. Remember, you're not just selling your time—you're selling your expertise, years of experience, your insights, and your unique perspective. Own it, embrace it, and watch as the world responds in kind.

Join me for the next Get Money Show where I dish on more secrets that help you get to the money fast.


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